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ZFOsports® Adjustable Weighted Vest Helps Increase Your Resistance

December 26th, 2016

ZFOsports® Adjustable Weighted Vest is up to 40 pounds maximum weight in 2.5 pound increments and all weights are removable. Great for adding extra resistance to your workout to increase the intensity or get an extra workout while doing chores or running. One size vest fits most and instructions are included. The Positives The majority […]

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  • Product review of a plastic colander.

    The Preserve Plastic Colander is available in vibrant red, green and white colors and is perfect for washing produce and draining pasta. This product is unique in that it is made from 100% recycled materials, being an Eco-friendly addition to any kitchen. With all the holes, the plastic colander can drain foods super fast and the ergonomic design makes the gadget lightweight and comfortable to use. To keep consistent with its environmentally friendly image, the colander is free of BPA and melamine. This product is really neat, as it has unique curved edges, angled holes and a heavyweight plastic that is sure to stand the test of time.

    Indeed, plastic colanders aren’t hard to come by, as such companies as Oxo Good Grips and Progressive International offer their own versions. While reviews are positive, there’s one special thing about the Preserve brand that you can count on – the company uses their own “Preserve Approach” that ensures the product is healthy and free of chemicals. Even better, the fact that this plastic colander is Eco-friendly isn’t reflected in the price. It comes at just a few dollars more than both the Oxo Good Grips and Progressive International colanders, and the gadget has better reviews. Products owners love the design, as it’s lightweight and offers quick and efficient draining. There are no negative reviews on the product, yet online reviewers urge customers to make sure they are choosing the right size and color!

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  • Product display of repel insect repellent

    Summer time and the living would be easier without the presence of annoying mosquitoes, ticks, and various other pests. A backyard cookout is not so enjoyable if everyone has to constantly battle pests. A day at the lake loses its tranquility unless you have a way to keep the mosquitoes from feasting on your arms and legs. The enjoyment of a family outing, a camping trip, a nature hike, or a day at the park can be diminished if insects plague the area. Summer means time outdoors in the garden and mowing grass. One of the first items that should be on a summer time shopping list is Repel Insect Repellent.

    This environmentally friendly product will successfully keep the mosquitoes from invading your cookout, or a day of fishing or hiking. It will even make yard work less uncomfortable. The pleasant aroma of Repel Lemon and Eucalyptus Insect Repellent makes it a good choice when you are going to be with a group of people. This safe, plant-based product will repel ticks and mosquitoes for up to 6 hours. Even if you’re just taking the dog for walk, you’ll enjoy it more if you spray with Repel before leaving home.

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  • Product review of a waterproof picnic blanket.

    If you love to picnic, you’ll never want to leave home again without the Turfer Waterproof Picnic Blanket. Perfect for camping trips or the sandy beach, this blanket features an anti-pill fleece side with a nylon backing. It’s available in a wide range of colors and can comfortably fit 2 to 3 people. If the blanket gets wet, you can dust it off or toss it in the washing machine. For easy travel, the blanket comes with double web carry straps. Waterproof picnic blankets are hot sellers, as they’re affordable, easy to care for and give an added layer of protection while eating and relaxing outdoors. So how does this Turfer blanket compare to others in the market?

    A comparable product on the market includes the Tuffo Water Resistant Blanket, which features the same water-resistant nylon back. What makes the Turfer product the preferred choice is that it’s less expensive and features a layer of thick polar fleece. The fleece material adds comfort and durability, preventing the blanket from flying away; a common complaint with the Tuffo blanket. This waterproof picnic blanket has gotten excellent reviews and product owners report that it’s an affordable choice that offers plenty of benefits. Customers rave about the durability and functionality of the blanket, as well as how easy it is to shake off and have clean again. There are no negative comments about the blanket, except for a few issues regarding the size being too small. Fortunately, most reviewers found the 50×60 size to be adequate and consistent with other picnic blankets that have waterproof backing.

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  • Small product picture of a karcher power washer.

    Do-it-yourselfers everywhere are always on the lookout for a good tool to help them complete their tasks around the house. For those that take particular pride in maintaining their home through their own hard work need all the right tools to accomplish the job. One of the best tools to have is a strong power washer to clean decks, driveways, and the side of the house. With the proper attachments, a power washer can also help prepare the outside of the house to be repainted or even making washing the car easier. Those looking for a great pressure washer tool should consider the Karcher Power Washer.

    The electric power washer from Karcher is the perfect example of power and portability in a compact size. Weighing in at just 13 lbs, the Karcher Electric Pressure Washer comes with a 35ft power cord and a 20ft hose. Attachments for the unit include a power spray wand with variable spray settings and separate DirtBlaster spray wand. The Karcher’s system even includes a siphon tube that automatically adds the proper amount of soap for easy cleaning. Pressure washers are a dime a dozen, and setting yourself apart from the opposition can be difficult to do. The Karcher has the upper hand of being much more portable than the majority of the competition, and is much more reasonably priced as well. Users do have to sacrifice power however as the Karcher delivers 1,550 PSI compared to the average 1800 PSI of many other models. Online reviewers were less than impressed with the Karcher Pressure Washer, with many of them finding major faults with the unit.

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  • Product display of fiskars pruners

    If you enjoy gardening, you know how important it is to have the right tools to do a good job. One of the main tasks of a gardener is pruning and cutting plants and shrubs. The Fiskars Pruners are designed to help you make clean precise cuts every time. The special construction used for leverage in this product gives you more power to prune those hard to cut through stems and branches. The ¾ inch surface area is designed to handle cutting the green growth from most plants. The blades are created to have a sharp edge that will not dull easily from use. The blades of this product are also replaceable should the need ever arise.

    Of course, a good pair of shears is only as good as the grip they come with. You will find the handle on this product is made with a lightweight reinforced nylon material to make them durable, yet easy to hold. The comfort is enhanced by the special gear mechanism that allows the blades to open and close in an easy and smooth manner. This product also includes the safety close latch for convenient storage. A good pair of pruning shears will have you spending less time working, and more time enjoying your garden.

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  • Small product picture of baby pool review.

    This precious looking baby pool has a couple of unique features – a mushroom shade top that keeps them from getting sunburned and a bottom that blows up so it’s softer than the hard ground or driveway you might set it on. When I did my research for this review, it got a few mixed reviews, but it seems to be a pretty good option for the money. This baby pool is large enough for an older baby or toddler to play in, though it’s probably not the best option for a baby who can’t sit up well yet. The blow-up bottom would make it easy to get thrown off balance! The sides are low enough that a crawler can get in and out on his own, too.

    One interesting thing that some reviewers did was to turn this baby pool into an indoor, year-round toy. It can be a tent, a playhouse, or just about anything else with a little imagination. Lots of reviewers noted just how darn cute this little mushroom topped pool is, and I couldn’t agree more. The pool keeps baby and the water cool with the shaded top, though you might have to move it around as the sun changes angles. It’s a great size – easy to move around the yard, but big enough for a baby to do more than just sit in. The attached toys are really entertaining for little ones, though there are some small parts that you’ll have to watch your youngest babies with. According to a few reviews, this baby swimming pool really just doesn’t last very long, and it’s not made of super durable plastic.

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  • Small product picture cheap dumbbell.

    A fitness craze is sweeping America these days and millions of individuals are looking for ways to get themselves in shape. From odd exercise classes to 24 hour gyms, Americans are more focused than ever on combating obesity and changing their lifestyle. Instead of joining a gym or signing up for one of those crazy dance-fitness classes, consider starting your own home gym. One of the best pieces to add to your home gym is the versatile Cap Barbell 40-Pound Dumbbell Set. Simple in its design and nature, the cheap dumbbells provides flexibility and value for any home gym. Let’s discuss the features that are included.

    The set features two handles with ergonomic designs and comfort grips, four 2.5-pound plates, four 5-pound plates, 4 rubber trim collars, and a convenient plastic storage case. Constructed of cast iron and possessing a semi-gloss finish, this set is rust and maintenance free and will provide you with great value for your money. The Cap Barbell dumbbell set is one of the least expensive options in the market. Other models can cost upwards of $350, but do offer greater flexibility, higher levels of resistance, and compact designs. Many online reviewers found the barbell set from Cap to be a great investment, especially for those just starting up a home gym. Others however complained of defective units, easily damaged storage cases, and even dangerously sharp trim collars. If you are looking to start up a home gym and get yourself in shape, the Cap Barbell Dumbbell set is a good place to start!

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  • Product review of victor electronic rat trap.

    As humans expand their suburbs further and further out, they cut into the habitat of wild animals. As this happens the wild animals have nowhere to go sometimes but into our homes, and to make matters worse the garbage and refuse we leave behind also attracts unwelcome intruders. The Victor Electronic Rat Trap is a fantastic answer to pesky rodents intruding in homes across the country. This rat trap is the answer to anyone’s rat or mice problems in their home. The unit is roughly the size of a loaf of bread and runs on four C batteries which can eliminate roughly 12 rats before needing to be replaced.

    The simple design can be easily and safely baited with peanut butter and when the rat comes in contact with the metal plates inside the plastic trap, the circuit is completed and the rat is eliminated. A green indicator light will blink for up to 24 hours, alerting the user to a successful kill. With a kill rate over 90%, the Victor Electronic Rat Trap is just as efficient, if not more, than traditional traps without leaving users to deal with the corpse by hand. Despite a few users who had issues with defective units that didn’t last long, many users found the product incredibly useful and enjoyed the easy clean up and disposal involved with the electronic rat trap.

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