Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Texturizing Spray- Not What You’d Expect

Last Updated on November 19, 2015 by Cassie Lyons

Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray is light mist meant to be sprayed all over on dry, damp, or wet hair and can dry naturally or with a little unnatural assistance. The product’s main ingredients are water and of course sea salt, so you know what you’re putting on your own hair. I also have confidence in this brand as a whole- unfortunately; I do have a mixed review on this product.

The Positives
This product will not make your hair crunchy like many other similar products do. It is also nice to be able to apply the mist at any time during the hair drying and styling process. Plus you cannot easily over apply this product, so you don’t have to be scared that more product will turn your hair into a sticky rat’s nest.

The Negatives
It pains me to say but this product- in my opinion- doesn’t leave your hair with an attractive finish. The “matte” finish isn’t just matte- it is dry, frizzy, and looks plus feels damaged. I’ve tried applying just a little and quite a lot in every stage possible. When applied to soaked hair, the drying effect isn’t as noticeable; however, it still doesn’t look healthy. I’ve read many positive reviews on this product, but I have yet to experience the same results. Am I doing something wrong? If anyone else tries this product and has a positive outcome, let me know because I’d really like for this product to work!

So What’s The Scoop?
Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray is a mist with a versatile application, making it easy for anyone to use. But it also dries out your hair and leaves a damaged finish. At least those were the results I had. So do I think you should buy this product? No way.



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