Greenies Pill Pockets For Cats/Dogs -Do they work?

Last Updated on March 20, 2019 by Cassie Lyons

Greenies Pill Pockets treats have built-in pouches to easily hide pills and ensure your dog or cat takes their medication. These all-natural treats are a healthier alternative to using human foods, because they have fewer calories and less fat and sodium. Make pill-giving more enjoyable for both you and your dog. Pill pockets come in two sizes: pill size and capsule size. There are also five different flavors to choose from: chicken, peanut butter, hickory smoke, beef, and duck.

The Positives
Customers liked that most of the flavors mush around and stick the pill. They also like that their dogs and cats enjoy the taste of the pills.

The Negatives
Several of the customers that left reviews feel like the peanut butter option is not as pliable as the chicken and beef flavors. They found the peanut butter pill pockets to be crumbly and not stick to the pills. The customers also feel like the pill pockets smell bad.

So What’s The Scoop?
The Greenies Pill Pockets act like a treat for your beloved pet when trying to disguise pills. With many flavors and a couple sizes to choose from you can easily pick the best one for your cat or dog.

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